Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Natural Health Care Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera (Horse Radish) A powerhouse of nutritional value, it can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and provide instant nourishment. Its leaves are a significant source of Vitamin C, protein, iron, potassium and beta-carotene. The refined oil is a natural balm that heals wounds, allergies, and other skin disorders. It is commonly said that, ounce per ounce, Moringa leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas, and that the protein quality of Moringa leaves rival that of milk and eggs. Amazingly, Moringa grows in subtropical areas, where malnutrition is most prevalent.

Experts agree that the long-term solution to malnutrition is the use of foods rich in the essential nutrients often lacking in people's diets. Modern scientific research is proving that Moringa leaves are one of the richest sources of such nutrients. Even small amounts of the leaves could protect thousands of people from suffering and death.

People in several countries have found that Moringa leaves are quite acceptable to taste, especially when added to common foods.

To date, over 1,300 studies, articles and reports have focused on Moringa benefits and this plant’s healing abilities that are important in parts of the world that are especially susceptible to disease outbreak and nutritional deficiencies.
Moringa Oleifera the miracle tree. 

Moringa has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for hundreds of years, It is known as a very nutritious plant where it is used to combat malnutrition in third world countries especially for infants and nursing mothers.

Moringa Oleifera benefits.

Listed below are some of the traditional herbal treatment of Moringa.
Scalp problems. Moringa leaves pounded and combined with coconut oil is used to treat scalp problems and to promote hair growth.
Boosts immune system. Boiled Moringa leaves contain immune boosting nutrients used in sickness recovery.
Milk production in nursing mothers. Boiled Moringa leaves used to promote milk production in nursing mothers.
Asthma. Moringa leaves combined with honey and calamansi to treat cough and asthma.
Skin rejuvenation. Moringa is used as skin restorer to promote skin rejuvenation.
Hypertension. Moringa soup is used to lower high blood pressure.
Relaxant. Moringa tea from bark or leaves is used to treat insomnia and restlessness.
Anthelmintic. Moringa pod is chewed to treat and prevent intestinal parasites in children.
Diabetes. Moringa is also recommended for sufferers of diabetes.
Source of calcium. Moringa is consumed to strengthen the bones especially for growing children and older people due ot high calcium content.
Anti-inflammatory. Moringa oil or poultice is used to treat bone and ligament related conditions that involve inflammations such as gout, rheumatism, back pain, sprains and all srts of swelling.
Eye problems. Moringa is also used to improve eye problems. Believed to contain high amount of vitamin A, more than that of a carrot.
Anti-cancer. Moringa is used along with other herbal medicines to treat cancer.
Leaves and fruit used for constipation and as diuretic.
Skin diseases. Decoction of boiled roots used to wash sores, cuts, skin ulcers, wounds and other skin diseases to alleviate pain and promote healing.
Stomach problems. Moringa is also used for stomach and intestinal problems such as ulcers and constipation.
Boosts fertility. Moringa flower with soy milk  is used as aphrodisiac and promote fertility for men.
Snake bites. Moringa roots are also used to treat snake bites,
Ear problems. The juice from moringa roots is used to treat ear related problems (otalgia).


Pure moringa extract in powder form. Experience power and pure energy in this wellness wonder. Drink your way to good health.

Amazing Moringa Oil of Life: An all around oil that heals wounds, burns and infections. Soothes skin allergies and irritations. Keeps your skin smooth and blemish-free. Extracted from the finest moringa seeds. Pure, fresh and high-grade. A miracle in a bottle!

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